Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Are you a Woman?
Are you American?
Are you Muslim?

Then you know what it's like to be a WAM, (Woman who is an American Muslim) bam thank ya ma'am.

You have got to check out the entry on A Call For Essays on ZP's Blog.

They're looking for anecdotes from an American Muslim Woman's perspective & life.

We've all been touched by someone we know who is an American Muslim Woman.
If you know someone who is an American Muslim Woman... pass on the info, please. And you can help reach the goal of creating a book dedicated solely for the purpose of enlightening those who don't do crap, and still call themselves muslim. Just kidding.

No seriously though, pass this link on.

I'm just a medium for spreading the word. There, I command you, word, Spread. Spread, like you ain't never spread before!

1 comment:

ZP said...

thanks for the word-spreading :) the book is meant to fill a need; there are books out there about muslim american women but the ones written BY them are few and far between. for more info, just ask!