Saturday, September 30, 2006

What good have you done, lately?

Mar's blog "Just be Nice" inspired to me to inquire after the altruistic audience. I know normally it isn't appropriate to go around blabbing to the world the good, sincere, and altruistic acts you have performed in the past, present. or even planned for the future. But, I'm curious. I might, and others as well, might learn from your entry of things we can do, too, to help others.

These acts can be something as small and seemingly insignificant as asking someone if they needed a ride, to actually giving your lunch to a man in an overcoat during the hot summer who was holding a trashbag of aluminum cans.

Here's what I did this past week: I prevented a kid in my research lab from taking a horrible horrible class with a horrible horrible teacher. Yes, success. One life, not ruined next semester.

You can (but don't have to) totally be anonymous here, so please contribute:

What good have you done lately?

1 comment:

M. Rafiq said...

Pay it forward baby!