Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Virtue of Being Sick

I was ill for the past few days with the usual, tonsil inflammed drama. Sore throat, post nasal drip. drip. drip. Snoring with my mouth open, drying up my "cotton mouth" throat even more. I didn't go visit the doctor this time, but the usual diagnosis is... Strepp. Here take these antibiotics twice a day, and FINISH THE BOTTLE.

I won't get into the whole, finish your antibiotic dose issue, but today, I will discuss the virtue of being sick. I'm sure there's a whole lot out there, like your sins are forgiven when you become ill, so be thankful, and your prayers are sent with a better, clearer reception and all that good stuff. But what I'm here to talk about is the present earthly life, when you're sick.

All you need is:
A- a good lovin' someone,
B- 4 pillows,
C- a bedsheet
D- a light quilt or blanket.

Oh yes, I forgot...

E- a night stand with a glass of water, and ....(a water stain preventer on the wooden night stand.....what are they called..someone help me holder?) yeah, one of those.

Talk about bliss.

If you have a form of entertainment, nearby, that helps out also. A book, computer with internet connection, writing pad & pen. The key is to keep everything in arms distance. Now, the other half of the bed looks mighty enticing to be used as the (arms distance ) location to STORE all those items, doesn't it? Yes, indeed it does. The only drawback is Item A is usually the space saver of that particular portion of the bed, so, there's a definite need of re-arrangement and self-sacrifice needed to be made by ...Item A, of course. If Item A needs suggestions, do not be afraid to point out the comfy futon in the family room, in front of the tv (for Item A's visual entertainment.)

Now that you have your space, since you are coughing, sneezing, and wiping snot on any piece of dry cloth you can find, it's best you elongate your arms, to increase that little bubble of yours. Only allow shrinkage of Your space, when in need of A hug, when you're "really sick."

But what I'm talking about are the times, when you're feeling pretty well for about 1/3 of the day, and 2/3 you're ...somwhat well. It's based on the whole Strong/Moderate/Weak principle. We had to create these rating scales for coding purposes at work, and boy have they become integrated into our daily lives, this talent at coding, sure has posed a dilemma in our lives. OH my GOd. I have to stop that.

Anyway, when I started feeling better, but not well enough to really do any substantial work (me & my drama...yay!), I lay in bed, wrapped in Item D, under Item C (so my fever sweats don't get the blanket all icky), with 2 pillows supporting my back, one on my lap (to prevent the laptop heat from burning the quilt/sheets/pjs), and one pillow to my side to place whatever items I wanted to near by. Okay, actually the fourth pillow was just there in case Item A came by and wanted to be space saver again. hahah.

The water for midnight bursts of thirst (in arms distance) and the glass holder thinga ma bobber, for Item A's satisfaction.

After a day or two in this state, it gets to be really comfortable. Yes, there is the required regular maintenance (showering, changing clothes, throwing away tissues sprawled to the side of the bed where you stand up and consequently sprawl even further) more than anything, you really get used to laying like a slug. Granted, you have to previously have slug-like tendencies, only then would this sloth like behavior seem in the remotest sense, fun. But still, come on, who doesn't like not having to not do nothing? Wait did I say that right? Oh who cares, I don't have to not worry about it. That's my perogative right now. Until I'm better at least.

Oh yes, finally, if Item A, incessantly asks if you're better, HOLD BACK THE TRUTH as long as you possibly can, as long as there is some doubt that you might possibly just possibly be still a little whooozy, because Item A's got a list of chores up the wahzoo lined up for you.

It's best you rest a little before you suddenly get better again.

All this I'm saying is not COMPLETELY true. Actually, most of the time, when I felt "ickhy," I'd walk out, demand a hug, stay locked in the hug until Item A felt fidgety, and then went back 20 minutes later for another hug, if I was still awake. haha.

I think the most relaxing factor for me when I'm sick is Item A's heartbeat. It's the rhythm, the warmth, and the grasp. It just lulls me off into my dreamworld of vampires, ghosts, and monsters. But at least gets me to go to sleep!


M. Rafiq said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! cant wait to see ya! saccccchu!

Liddlelulu said...

Thanks for reading, Tank you, come again.

Anonymous said...

lol, you're crazy Lulu! poor item A. oh btw, part of item E is called a coaster :p


Liddlelulu said...

Coaster. Thanks! I'll keep that in mind (for Item A's satisfaction...)