Friday, October 13, 2006

Wakey Wakey

Have you ever woken up really early, to get an incredible start on your day not because you wanted to but because you HAD to...To either finish up a project, start an essay, eat sihori (breakfast), pray namaz, study for a test... and realize that a few hours after you've had that cup of tea or coffee or bowl of cereal at 5.30 am that 8am seems just as early?

The house is still dim, dark, and tiring. You haven't yet had the opportunity to pull the blinds back/up and your too focused on trying to not falling asleep with your head either in a book while slouched on the couch, or your face cheek red caused by resting your face flat on one side of the textbook while trying to read at a parallel angle to the actual words on the page (not very good for your eyes, posture or endeavor to stay awake! I might add.)

Anyway, for the past few weeks, I've been waking up at 5.45, squinting my way to the kitchen, deathly afraid of turning the lights on in case I might blind myself, and tripping on half the items left on the carpet on the way over to the tile. "Good morning. " After having sihori, eating breakfast at a ridiculous time in the morning that really only makes you hungry earlier on in the day for some ironic reason, I grab hold of my computer rather than the Quran, and look up my recent ebay activity. haha. Even when I'm half conscious, I can still function properly when it comes to Ebay (if that behavior is considered "functioning properly.") After a while on the computer, I set the comp down, pray namaz, and debate whether I should go back to sleep for a 1/2 hr to an hour, setting myself up for another 4-6 hour "nap." The days I actually do stay up until about 8 or 9am, I'm still in a stupor, because I'm sitting on the couch with the blanket covering my shoulders & my feet and too lazy to open the blinds that block the radiance of the sun telling me to, "Get the hell up, Begin your day, and Brush your teeth, woman!"

Once again, finally getting to my point: the 9.20am it is finally, feels just as early as the 5.30 did without the adjustment to the blinding light of the flourescent bulb flickering on & off. This time, it's the fear of opening that door and exposing all that heat to the cooled apt.

Wakey, wakey. Time to Really get up and start your day.

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