Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Election Day:

Okay, so I decided to run for Honor Council Representative for next semester beginning in Sept. The day of the elections, while I'm telling all my friends to vote for me, having not yet voted myself, I find out the people who typed up the ballot with the candidates names, misspelled my name. My closest friends didn't recognize: Lucua Mandviwala. I mean come on! Luckily, there was a glitch with the voting system, so they're redoing the entire election. I've re-nominated myself (I know), and this time I'm spelling my name out to everyone just in case they have a problem recognizing my first and last name. Hopefully the ballot people won't mess up my name again. But you never know. Now all my friends refer to me as Lucua, so I'm afraid some people I just met might really think my name is Lucua. haha. Oh well. Some of my friends said they voted for me just because they thought the name sounded exotic. Win-win situation, I guess.
We'll see how the election goes down this Friday.


M. Rafiq said...


M. Rafiq said...

Dr. Lulu for president! Peace and love.

yoko said...

Aww, I'd vote for you.

Alex said...

I can't wait to know the results! We keep ouor fingers crossed Lulu.